
Sinyoro Pole Solutions Ballito  Verification Pending

Achievement and discipline.
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  • Verification Pending No documents submitted for verification
  • -- Years in Business
  • -- Employees

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About Us

Company vision

Sinyoro Pole Solutions intends to be preferred service provider in the electrical and mechanical projects.

Mission Statement

Through varied and diversified experience and knowledge of the manufacturing industry, we position our company as a preferred service provider in rendering assistance in technical aspects that will enhance development of the South-African industry.

Core Value

Trust and transparency
Speed of execution
Balanced risk talking
Empowerment and accountability
Team work
Honesty and integrity
Achievement and discipline


Arthur M Gonyora is a Mechanical Engineer with extensive hands on experience and an impeccable academic record. He has been involved in the following disciplines: mechanical maintenance, production and project management capped with extensive knowledge of business development.

He worked in the following capacities: Maintenance, Projects and Marketing management in the Motor Manufacturing industry. His expertise lays in benchmarking, continuous improvement initiatives, business process implementation, maintenance management and the implementation of strategic systems in the following environments: motor industry, mining, blow molding, machining and extra heavy engineering.

Services Provided

Work Focus

What training and/or membership affiliations do you have that relates to your work?

Mechanical and electrical engineering

Describe a recent project that you have completed.

Eskom Electrification Substation construction Plant Maintenance

Who are some of your customers and can you provide traceable references?

Eskom and Sephaku Cement

Do you provide any guarantee of your workmanship and/or services. If yes, please share the details here.

P103 Esenembe road, Ballito - 4418
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Quote requests posted by other customers

  • Request for Electricians.
  • Posted By
  • Albert J
  • Request for Electricians. - electrical contractors
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